An Open Letter To Myself In 2016

An Open Letter To Myself In 2016

2015 was a ______ year. You can go ahead and fill that in. With just about any adjective really. Here’s a brief break down of what we’ve just been through.

Cops killing civilians. Civilians killing cops. Worldwide terrorists attacks. Mass shootings. Mass abductions. Earthquakes. Floods. Landslides. Baby parts being sold. People killing people in the name of those baby parts. Refugee babies washing up on distant shorelines. Terrorists posing as refugees. Political scandal. Politicians with bad hair reminding us that humanity is a sad broken machine. History repeating itself in the most obvious and obnoxious ways...

Why We Honor Veterans

Why We Honor Veterans

We have become a nation, if not a world, of daily celebrations. There is a day for everything now. In fact, we just recently celebrated national chocolate day. Don’t get me wrong. I love chocolate as much as the next guy, but really? Really? It feels like all 365 days of the year are now assigned to some random thing that was pulled out of hat. And now it gets it’s own day. Can we just stop it already?

Not everything deserves it’s own day...

If You Give Me A Gift Don’t Expect A Thank You Card

If You Give Me A Gift Don’t Expect A Thank You Card

I have a box filled with cards and lists of people next to the gifts they gave me. Some are recent. Birthdays, showers, etc… Some are over six years old. From my wedding. In 2009. 

It sits on a shelf in my closet. Unopened. Still. After all this time. 

Why do I still even have these? As if after all this time I’m suddenly going to sit down and start writing out thank you cards. Dear so and so, thank you for the bathroom mat we actually returned for an ill advised set of white towels. White. Nothing stays white. For me, at least. Ugh...

The Danger Of Virtual Christianity

The Danger Of Virtual Christianity

We sit behind our screens, the world at our fingertips. So we think we are living. We think that we are connected. Up to date. In the know.

We are not.

These electronic devices, offering us a different kind of window to the world. A different view. A different landscape. A different reality.

Our perception of life and relationship has become skewed. Altered. Impaired...

Your Instagram Life Is A Lie

Your Instagram Life Is A Lie

It's been a shitty couple weeks. There it is. I swore. I’ve been doing that more than usual lately. Out loud. So if that is happening in my daily life, why wouldn’t I share it here? But it bothers me so much it cripples my mind. Self flagellation immediately ensues. That I am worthless. I can't even control my stupid mouth. I never have been able to. I live in one constant moment of open mouth insert foot. It's better I not leave the house.

I love Jesus. I do my devotions. I go to church. And I still swear. But I feel worse about cursing then I do about over eating, or about talking negatively about something someone posted on facebook, or that white lie I told last week, or a family member I still haven't forgiven...